How to Create a Custom Mountaineering Trip

How to Create a Custom Mountaineering Trip

Learn how easy it is to book a custom-created mountaineering adventure with an IFMGA American Mountain Guide. 

By Owen Clarke

Owen Clarke is a freelance outdoor and travel journalist specializing in mountaineering.

You’re likely familiar with the concept of guided mountaineering expeditions. We offer scheduled expeditions from far-flung destinations like the mighty Everest (29,032 ft) and Aconcagua (22,837 ft), as well as spectacular summits close to home, such as Mount Baker (10,781 ft), the largest glaciated volcano in the Pacific Northwest.

You can tackle a variety of major summits around the world with our help, and we’re psyched to get you on your way. But just because you’re going with a guide doesn’t mean your adventure has to follow a template. You don’t necessarily have to follow in the footsteps of other climbers.

You can craft your very own custom mountaineering trip, too!


What is a Custom Mountaineering Experience?

Most outfitters, ourselves included, offer scheduled, pre-planned expeditions to popular peaks. These experiences make up most of what “guided mountaineering” is all about.

For example, you’ll sign up to attempt Aconcagua, the tallest peak in the Americas, between December 30 and January 16. The itinerary will be laid out in advance down to the dime. You’ll arrive on this date, you’ll stay at this hotel, you’ll eat at this restaurant, you’ll do your acclimatization hikes on these peaks on these dates, and so on. Other clients will join your expedition, as well.

If your goal is to summit Aconcagua, this is an excellent way to do so affordably and efficiently. We’ve been guiding on this peak for decades, and have summited it over 100 times, not to mention the fact that Willie has held speed records on the peak, too. In short, we know the best way to get our clients to the summit safely and effectively, without breaking your wallet.

But you don’t have to go on a pre-planned trip. You can create your own personalized mountaineering experience.

Simply put, a custom mountaineering trip is one that caters directly to your personal experience level, fitness, interests, and goals in the mountains.


Why Create a Custom Experience?

What are some reasons you might want to create a custom experience?

Well, with a custom mountaineering trip, you won’t be following a mold. You also won’t be beholden to delays, schedule changes, or anything else that affects other members of your party when you’re part of a larger expedition. More importantly, you won’t be tackling an objective that is too easy or too difficult for you.

You’ll be charting your own path on a mountain that pushes you exactly to your limits, with an IFMGA-certified Benegas Bros guide climbing right by your side all the while.

When you craft a custom mountaineering experience with us, we work with you directly to pick the objective and plan the schedule. You choose the dates, you choose the location, and you choose the goal (with our input and advice). You’ll be able to have first-hand advice and guidance, honed by our decades of climbing and guiding around the world, to craft the ultimate mountaineering experience for you.

When you create your own custom mountaineering trip, you’re benefiting from the best of both worlds. Our custom trips are the ultimate blend between going on your own climbing expedition and embarking on a guided trip with other clients. This is because you can take advantage of the advice, input, and experience of a veteran guide, but you’re still able to call the shots, plan the climb around your schedule and goals, and experience the mountain all by yourself, without other clients.

It’s similar to our mentorship program, which can help you achieve your own specific goals in the mountains, whether these goals involve tackling the Seven Summits, becoming a competent ski mountaineer, or something else.

On that note, our personalized adventures aren’t limited to custom mountaineering trips, either. You can create your own custom rock climbing trip, custom alpine climbing trip, or custom backcountry skiing trip as well.

We’re happy to craft a custom adventure for you anywhere from the Wasatch (right in our backyard here in Salt Lake City) to Moab, Indian Creek, Red Rock, and even the spectacular alpine lines of Chamonix, France.

With Benegas Brothers Custom Expeditions, you choose your adventure and your goal… We just help you reach it.

Learn More About Our Expeditions!


How to Create a Custom Trip with Benegas Brothers Expeditions

Luckily, there isn’t anything you need to know to create a custom trip with us. There are no rules, no limits, no boundaries to what you can tackle!

The only limit is your imagination (and your skill level, but we can help with that). Contact us below and we’ll work with you to plan your adventure around your schedule, fitness, goals, and experience.

Whether you’re looking to embark on a glacier climb on the 5,000-meter volcanoes of Ecuador or cut your teeth on Washington’s iconic Mount Shuksan (9,131 ft), we’ll get you on your way.

Remember, even if you have lofty goals but minimal experience, our mentorship programs can help you acquire the skills and fitness you need to get there.

For example, if you want to summit Everest, we can help you build your skills on lower elevation peaks at home, such as Rainier, before graduating to higher elevation summits in South America, and then eventually heading to the Himalaya to tackle the tallest mountain on the planet. We’ll also help you with the physical and mental training needed to prepare yourself for high-elevation mountaineering.

Don’t forget, custom rock climbing trips, custom alpine climbing trips, and custom backcountry skiing trips are also available. Whatever mountain adventure you’re looking to get after, rest assured we’re stoked to help you make it happen.

Lastly, our yearly highlight reels do a great job showing the diversity of the expeditions that we help create for our clients: