Team At Base Camp

Team At Base Camp




Our team have enjoyed a well-deserved rest day at the Plaza de Mulas BC today, on their quest to reach the summit of Aconcagua. News in from guide Nanik is that despite the normal mild effects of altitude we would expect at this height, the team are doing exceptionally well. Tomorrow they will climb up to Camp 1 to leavegear and stretch their legs, and return to base camp yet again to sleep, following our climb-high-sleep-low strategy for great acclimatization.

As the highest mountain outside of Asia, Aconcagua has earned its place within the world’s Seven Summits. The Seven Summits are the highest mountains on each of the seven continents. Each mountain within the seven is unique and summiting all seven is considered a rare mountaineering accomplishment.

Aconcagua Expedition Summary
No matter the route option you choose when climbing Aconcagua, acclimatization to the area is a vital aspect of your success. Bengas Brother’s Expeditions ensures that all clients and climbers have the proper time to acclimate to the elevation before attempting to summit the mountain. Both routes have a relatively similar schedule to abide by, but their camps and days on the mountain will differ slightly.

“The higher and higher we go, the calmer and more tranquil the surroundings feel as we move nearer to something spiritual or inspirational for everyone “
— Nanik Stahringer – Guide

Being physically prepared is a necessary component in Aconcagua summit success. Most climbers devote at least 5-6 months of training and conditioning in preparation for their trek up the mountain. Proper conditioning for Aconcagua will include building up your strength, stamina, and endurance.

Conditioning for this trek, climbing and hiking are the best tools and activities as you prepare. You can plan some weekend trips to include long backpacking treks or even nightly hikes up peaks nearby. Since you may not be able to do that daily, you will need to include other cardio options like running, cycling, skiing, or even fast walking.

Since you will be carrying a pack for some of the trips, it will be helpful to train with weight as well. You can easily do this by taking a loaded pack on a day hike or as mentioned earlier, take a few backpacking trips. This gives you a great chance to test out some of your gear as well.

Alongside the cardio, you will want to throw in some strength training to improve and maintain your anaerobic metabolism. When you are conditioning for a mountain trek, it isn’t as important to be using heavy weights, instead, you should focus on lighter weights with more repetitions. This also helps you to focus on your form to avoid injury.

Exercise isn’t the only important aspect of conditioning that should be considered before your trek. Keep your mind and body healthy by eating well, drinking plenty of water, and practice mindfulness activities to refocus when things get tough.

If you are taking the Polish Glacier route, you will need to be an experienced climber. This technical route requires conditioning with a focus on ice climbing endurance and mental fortitude. There will be specific skills required that you are familiar with in order to be accepted for this trekking option and it is best to practice these skills often.

How to Book an Aconcagua Expedition with BBE

The route you take up to the summit of Aconcagua will be determined by your party’s ability level and ideal trip desires. Despite this being a non-technical mountain, the high altitude and weather bring challenges of their own. This is a great challenge for those looking for an introductory experience on high altitude terrain. Or if you have the experience, we recommend the more technical route on the Polish Glacier. No matter your ability in the mountains, we will be able to find an expedition that fits you.